你是一个会“说话”的人吗?是不是常常觉得自己的表达逻辑不清、很难说服别人?是不是常常说话不过大脑,以至于出口成祸?快来跟小译一起学学成为善谈者的 5 大诀窍吧,变身一个出色的沟通者!No matter how meticulouslyyou plan your words, you cannever control how yourmessage is received. However,several things are within yourcontrol, like timeliness,intensity and volume. Knowingwhat's within your power andpreparing in advance will helpyou to maximize eachopportunity to communicate.Here are five keys to makingyour message count:无论你如何认真仔细地准备措辞,你也控制不了别人怎样解读你的信息。然而,有几点是在你的控制范围之内的,如时机、力度和音量。弄清楚什么在你的能力范围内并提前准备好可以帮助你利用好每一个沟通的机会。以下是五个要点,帮助你有效传达信息:1Never wing it.不要说话不经大脑Every conversation I've leftwith regrets shares a commondenominator --- I didn't thinkbefore I spoke. Most of us areat our best when we haveample time to process ourthoughts before sharing them.If a conversation or meeting isworth your time to schedule,it's worth taking a few minutesto develop an outlinebeforehand. For a particularlyimportant dialogue, considerrole-playing the conversationwith a trusted colleague toremove the rough edges.
每次让我留下遗憾的谈话都有一个共同因素——说话不经大脑。如果我们有足够的时间,在分享想法前先理清思路,那我们大部分人都会说得很好。如果一场交谈或会议值得你花时间,那么也值得你在开始前花几分钟准备一个大纲。对于特别重要的会谈,可以考虑和一位你信赖的同事模拟谈话,事先解决棘手的问题。2Think about it from the receiver'sperspective.从听话者的角度考虑Put yourself in the otherperson's shoes when shapingyour strategy. This ensures abalanced approach and willprepare you to not onlysupport your position, but alsoto challenge any potentialrebuttals.在制定策略时站在对方的角度考虑问题。这会保证你的方法平衡得当,不仅让你为支持自己的立场做好准备,也准备好回应任何可能的反驳。3Be prepared for differentresponses.对不同的回应有所准备No one can predict with 100percent certainty howeveryone will respond.Increase your chances that aconversation goes well byanticipating negative orquestioning replies. Thislessens the likelihood thatyou'll be caught off guard.没人能够百分之百地准确预测每个人的反应。预见负面或质疑的声音能够增加你谈话成功的几率。4Approach with reason and logic.从理智和逻辑着手A point that is introduced withlogic and confidence is lesslikely to be met with hostility.The key is to approach eachconversation with objective-minded reasoning supportedby data or fact, if possible.理顺逻辑、充满自信地陈述你的观点,反对意见会相对较少。如果可能的话,用客观理由开展谈话,并辅以数据或事实,这是关键。5Don't forget the emotional side.不要忘记感性的一面
While point number fourstresses the need for objectiveconversation, it's important toremember that emotions oftentrump logic. Don'tunderestimate the influenceemotions can play in theperception of a message ---and understand which onesyour words may evoke.尽管第四点强调了客观谈话的需要,情感通常会战胜逻辑,记住这一点很重要。不要低估情感对于感知信息的影响,并且要弄清楚你的话会唤起哪些情感。Finally, strive to be not simplyan effective communicator,but a brilliant one. Your pointcomes across clearer in a well-articulated conversation. Whileit may not be perfect -- at leastright away -- aiming forbrilliance is the best way to getthere.最后,努力成为一个出色的沟通者,而不仅仅是一个有效的沟通者。清晰的谈话可以帮助你更好地传达观点,即使你目前的沟通谈话并不出色,但树立目标是变得出色的最好方法。
一起学成为善谈者的 5 大诀窍吧,变身一个出色的沟通者!
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